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Euverlèk gebroeker:Benopat

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Bèste Benopat, hertelik wilkóm oppe limbörgse Wiktionair!
Hertelik dank veur eur mitwirking aan dit perjèk det, wietj g'r veur zeker waal al wètj, alle wäörd in eder spraok veur edereine sónger betaling en online toegenkelik wiltj make. Eur biedraag dao-aan haje veer mit groeaten aandach in 't veuroetzich.
De limbörgse Wiktionair is e waordebook det door edereine vrie te bewirken is, det op vandaag al 120.548 kentjes haet. Guntj uchzelf effekes d'n tied veure aanwiezingen in dit vinster en begintj daorop mit 't bewirke van eur ieëste ingeng. Gèn vanne richlienen hie höbbe wèttelik krach, went Wiktionair is en blief netuurlik ummer vrie bewirkbaar. E bietje verdoons ieërtj g'r uch get wiejer verdeep kan aevel noeatj euvel.
Wie lieëre 'ch dit èègelik? Is 't neet versjrikkelik lestig?
Inkel aangaevinger toet g'm aanmake ven nuuj ziej hen sömpel tö make.
Euverzich van pagina's euver hulp en óngersteuning (op 't Ingels).
Wie se mit kèns doon mit Wiktionair
Inlichtinger euver wie se die deil aan Wiktionair kóns biedrage.
Vraoge veur hulp
Veur al dien vraogen euvere Wiki-sofwaer en bewirke (op 't Ingels).
Hie vindj g'r stattestieken en perjèkte van en euver gebroekers.
In 't nuujs
Euverlègke mit anger Wiktionairgebroekers.

Dees pagina, die noe op eur sjerm steit, is ouch eur persuuenlik euverlègk; de plaats wootj g'r besjeid van anger Wiktionairgebroekers óntvangk en beantjwäördj. Edere gebroeker haet zón pagina ein. Wiltj g'r veur einen angere besjeid laote, dan doontj g'r det dus op dem zien euverlègk. Sloetj eur biedraag ummer aaf mit veer krunkelkes, dus zoea: ~~~~. Eine kieër dujen oppe handjteikeningsknoep haet 't zelvendje gevolg: eur besjeid wuuert vanzelf óngerteikendj mit eure gebroekersnaam ennen datum en tied worop geer d'n achterlaot aafmaak. Versjikke doontj g'r mit "Sjlaon verangeringe op".

If your knowledge of our language is limited, you are nonetheless welcome of course! We appreciate your contributions.

Danke veur dien Deense biejdräög! --451...etc 30 sep 2007 16:24 (UTC)

Ow, ich dach om 't daagnaam-sjabloon te verangere, höbs doe det al gedaon! Danke. --451...etc 12 okt 2007 04:45 (UTC)



Witse toevallig of 't andijvie of andie(j)vie is in 't plat? De letiense benaming gùf Cichorium endivia det is ouch wo 't Nederlandse vanaaf kömp. Ingels zaet endive. Belgische andijvie is witl(a)o(o)f. --451...etc 28 okt 2007 12:44 (UTC)

Jao, det wis ich ram al. Andijvie is gein Limburgs, 't is Hollensj. Andiejvie of Andievie of Andivie is 'n verslechterd naomaakseltje, 'n saort mislùkte verlimburgsing van Andijvie. In mien famielje zaag me altied kirsel. Kiersel, kiersjel en kirsjel zeen de benaminge in angere dialekte veur zover ich weit, althans de Nederlands-Limburgs. In Belgish Limburg zaag me kaesjel, keeësjel en erkissjùl. Doe höbs waal de litste tied väöl artikelske d'rbie gezat manne! 300 toch waal. Benopat 28 okt 2007 14:02 (UTC)
Danke, dus kirsel is 't in 't Remunjs? Witse 't zeer toevallig ouch veur 't Mofers? --451...etc 28 okt 2007 14:16 (UTC)
Kirsel is Remunjs (eigelik Veldjs, mejja). 't Mofers is 'n täölke op zich. Ich kin d'r nieks van. Volges w:Moferts is 't Belgisch Limburgs, kees maar: kaesjel, keeësjel of erkissjùl. Toch liek 't mich neet det ze dao zo get zègke. Dao zult me dan waal andievie of andijvie zègke. Trouwes, kömste neet zelf oet Mofert? Benopat 28 okt 2007 14:19 (UTC)
Jewaal, mèr ich kin d'r eerlik gezag nieks van. Ich höb noe waal det waordebook dus ich gao mich d'r 'ns gét in verdepe. --451...etc 28 okt 2007 14:23 (UTC)



Gebroekse 'ne bot, waeges die snelle bewèrkinge? --451...etc 28 okt 2007 14:24 (UTC)

Jao, höb ich gebroek. Ich maak waal 'ne apaarte gebroeker aan: BenopatBot Benopat 28 okt 2007 14:31 (UTC)
Good, vraog mèr ef bot sjtatus aan biej Wiktionary:In 't nuujs, danke. Dan maak ich de redirecte waal. --451...etc 28 okt 2007 14:35 (UTC)
hiej dien meining gaeve, belachelik. Van mich is d'r nieks mis mit bots, miense höbbe geweun 'ne verkeerde kiek d'r op waeges Kom op zègk. --451...etc 30 okt 2007 16:38 (UTC)



Kinse mich de ethomology van oer zègke inclusief de Remunjse tabel mit pluralis, diminutief en diminutief pluralis? --451...etc 3 nov 2007 17:32 (UTC)

Etymologie guf hour, heure, uur, oer -> hure. Oer - oere - uurke - uurkes: volges aad-Limburgs: ur - ür - ürke - ürkan. In principe kin uur es pluralis neet fout geteld waere. Benopat 4 nov 2007 10:58 (UTC)



Waat 'ne zooi! --451...etc 15 dec 2007 08:49 (UTC)

Kùmp tegooj. Kinste 'm 's deblokkere estebleef. Benopat 15 dec 2007 08:53 (UTC)
Ok en ich zal dae botstatus aanvraoge, meh estebleef neet weer zon slechte kwaliteit levere, 't is slech veur 't bot imago. --451...etc 15 dec 2007 08:56 (UTC)



[1] Engrune moog van mich, 't is zelfs hooggesteldj ;) Wilse eventueel 'n nechske of 'n uurke d'r euver dinke? --Ooswesthoesbes 3 fib 2008 08:10 (UTC)

Ich had dao toch al 'ns geloerdj? :) Benopat 3 fib 2008 09:27 (UTC)
Bedoelse dittes? Benopat 3 fib 2008 09:28 (UTC)
Auch. 3 fib 2008 09:29 (UTC)
Ich begriep dich neet gans anoniem. Zouse 't kinne oetligke? Benopat 3 fib 2008 09:30 (UTC)

Jao, ich bedoelde dettes. --Ooswesthoesbes 3 fib 2008 09:36 (UTC)



Is det waal neudig? Catégorie dit, catégorie det. :) --Ooswesthoesbes 5 fib 2008 11:07 (UTC)

Köch. :( --451...etc 10 fib 2008 13:13 (UTC)



[2] --451...etc 9 maa 2008 10:23 (UTC)

Henjige link ;-) Benopat 9 maa 2008 12:11 (UTC)

Lies van ierse stej


Ich vraer vas zoea... --Ooswesthoesbes 25 maa 2008 20:39 (UTC)

Impórt/inhaol (of wiese 't denouch wils nömme)


Estebleef ef dit laeze:

Hi, I just came across úlfur and others. Just a suggestion, You could replace per search&replace the templates before importing, having them like this here does not look so good imho :(
No harm meant. Best regards, --vogel (:> )=| 6 apr 2008 23:29 (UTC)

Zoea. Trouwes, waat is de plenning mit die jepans dinger? --451...etc 8 apr 2008 05:04 (UTC)

desinformative entries


Hello Benopat, I am writing You because I followed an interwikilink in is.wikt to li.wikt and thought I were being messed around.

I came to the page Eldur and saw that it has no information in it than is.wikt and that the description even is in Icelandic, then I saw that even the templates are Icelandic still [3]. I wonder why li.wikt is doing this, this is mocking readers who follow interwikilinks here, to find messed up entries or entries in other languages than li, and just the same language they were coming from, with no additional information or anything. I played with special:random a bit and found out that this seems to be standard here.

Some other examples I am stumbling into with randompage:

  • everything in French:

φαλλός, chấp thuận, 무식, hạn hẹp, bilanggúan, 警察, 栗鼠(they even have "Catégorie:" in it 9.9 ), あなたたち

  • everything in Hebrew?:

זק"ש, שליטא"ס

  • Icelandic:

Sigurbergur, Eldur, Oliver, Kjallakur

  • Englisch:

tocatl, axolotl

I am stopping playing with randompage now, because it does not stop finding such entries, ~ every 4th hit is a valid page, everything else is trash etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. ....

It is sad that li.wikt made itself so unuseful with this, I am thinking about proposing to remove the interwikilinking to li.wikt to the wikts where I work, because IMHO this is mocking the readers and users likewise, they can't even improove the entries because the templates used are in another language and there is no common structure, the definition/translation is in some other language, French, Hebrew, Iclandic, English, etc....

Best regards, --vogel (:> )=| 5 mei 2009 14:49 (UTC)

P.S. I am the last person who would insist on that, but just letting You know that what You did is also a copyright violation, the definitions/translations are not copyrighted, but since You imported the whole entry with its structure etc. and only the last version of it, it sure is, since this is not GFDL conform. Best regards, --vogel (:> )=| 5 mei 2009 17:55 (UTC)
Mmm... It's dramatic here indeed... I'll see how much can be fixed. --Ooswesthoesbes 7 mei 2009 17:54 (UTC)

Those French and English pages have to be fixed manually. The Hebrew things are totally useless and the Icelandic words don't need any fixing. It is clear that it's about masculine names and the link gives a clearer picture of it. --Ooswesthoesbes 7 mei 2009 18:05 (UTC)

Thanks for taking care of this, I hope li.wikt will be readable again. Still, I don't understand why the Icelandic ones do not need fixes, they look terrible and the templates are in Icelandic too, IMHO li.wikt needs a structure, templates they want to use, a format, then these wrong templates could even be replaced with a bot, but still the definition and text would be Icelandic then :( (Note that it is not only the name-entries but also such as úlfur, I guess there are much more like this)
Best regards, --vogel (:> )=| 7 mei 2009 18:58 (UTC)
Haj. I've just had a meeting with the Limburgish Language Council and after trying for 50 times at random page we couldn't get even a single good page. Many pages like lank, roed etc look like useful pages, but they only show a translation to Dutch and many of their page names are written incorrectly, it should be roead instead of roed. The council recommended to simply delete all entrees and templates and start all over again. There are probably not more than 50 good pages and I have been making structureless pages too (I must be honest), like 322. This wiki has never had a structure. I think it would be best to clean everything if that's possible. --Ooswesthoesbes 8 mei 2009 13:35 (UTC)
Haj Ooswesthoesbes, uff, I am sorry to hear that, but I guess You are right, it is better to clean it, because repairing bad entries often takes a lot more time than simply creating a new one (that is what I can say from my experience). There are maybe also other possibilities to delete entries faster with a botscript, but I only know of from the m:pywikipediabot-framework, I guess You know that one too. Best regards, --vogel (:> )=| 8 mei 2009 15:55 (UTC)
Yes, I'm familiar with that script, but it isn't really practical. Many of those pages are incorrectly or totally not categorised, so you can't use delete all pages in category and creating a list will take too much time too. Besides, I can now select pages without a bot which can make quite a mess of it and delete useful pages. --Ooswesthoesbes 8 mei 2009 17:22 (UTC)

Verzeuk óm inhaoling


Ich weit èng óf se dien paasj nag bekieks mer ich höb e verzeuk óm inhaoling... Ich bön kónfróntieërdj gewaore dórch Francien ver Hoebe-n óm weer nör miensjeliker näöm aannömmendj zeen. Daerveur hejje 'ch wievelik näöm im Ieslandjsje. --Ooswesthoesbes 19 jul 2010 15:26 (UTC)

Cat? Benopat 23 jul 2010 10:19 (UTC)
Wèlkóm trögk! :) De cat is dizze :) Kinsen f «in 't nuujs» bezeen? Vröb e taal aan stömminger loupe, die dich sjiens tösjezeen. --Ooswesthoesbes 23 jul 2010 10:48 (UTC)
Gedaon. Inkel ziej bestóngen al, dös die mósse f euverkieke. Benopat 24 jul 2010 06:14 (UTC)
Euverlik danke :) Ich gaon al achterloupe. --Ooswesthoesbes 24 jul 2010 08:37 (UTC)



Danke! :) Doe bös volges mich waal 't wichtigste sjebloean vergaete, meh det kan ich owwel kopiëre :) --Ooswesthoesbes (euverlègk) 27 jul 2018 13:35 (UTC)